Sunday 14 December 2008


This is a very important day in December. We are celebrating the Saint Lucia; she is the only saint we are celebrating in Sweden. The Lucia Day is celebrated all over the country in every home, school, and workplace on the morning of the 13th of December. The lights are dimmed and the Lucia and Lucia maids enter, singing the old song "Santa Lucia".
At our preschool we are gathering early in the morning outside in the garden, and the children are dressed in white gown and candles, like gingerbread man or like Santa. They sing traditional songs for the parents and relatives.
After that we all eat breakfast together before the parents go to work. On this day, as well as around Christmas, a hot mulled drink called glögg is served with saffron buns and gingerbread cookies.
According to legend, Lucia was a medieval saint who carried food and drink to hungry folk in the province of Värmland during a period of famine. She was seen across Lake Vänern with her white gown and crown of lights. Today's costume has the same gown and crown. The Lucia legend is said to have originated in Syracuse on the island of Sicily. A young girl, about to be a bride, gave her entire dowry to the poor of her village and admitted that she had become a Christian. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake on December 13, 304 A.D.

1 comment:

Doctor Spider said...

Hej hej everyone!!!

Big party to our fellows in Sweden! How come we weren't invited?! :)

Isn't 13th December one of the shortest days of winter, in Sweden?

Big big hug to everyone. we miss you! :)