Friday 31 October 2008

One Spider here, one Spider there, Spiders everywhere!

Last week our kindergarten Skratek Svit from Vodice (Slovenia) was filled with little creepy crawls. Children enjoyed that theme as well did the teachers! We discovered so many different activities that brought spiders closer to the children. We went outside in order to find those little animals, we made nets that are similar to the ones that real spiders make, we even made sweet eatable spiders - those were our favourite! Yummy! We found out that some spiders are a bit scary but the ones that we have in Slovenia are not dangerous to us. Yeah...A spider week-just another great thing in this project!

V prejsnjem tednu se je nas vrtec Skratek svit napolnil z raznimi pajkci in pajki ter njihovimi mrezami. Otrokom in vzgojiteljicam je bila tema vsec, saj smo vsi skupaj odkrili ogromno aktivnosti, ki so priblizale svet pajkov otrokom. Na igriscu smo iskali pajke, izdelovali smo pajkove mreze, ustvarili smo celo sladke uzitne pakce! Ti so nam bili najljubši! Njami! Ugotovili smo, da nekateri pajki res izgledajo strasno, a nam tisti, ki živijo v Sloveniji niso nevarni. Teden pajkov-se ena zanimiva stran tega projekta!


Doctor Spider said...

This is a good case for Doctor Spider! Let's see:
- the spider in the first picture needs to see an orthopedic surgeon 'cause she has legs all over her body;
- the spiders on the second picture must have some identity issues because they really look and act like little human beings;
- the spiders on the third picture need to see the psychologist because being trapped in a plastic cylindrical box can be quite claustrophobic.

So, just let me know if they need an appointment!

Great photos and funny activities!

Big hug to everyone involved, especially Petra.

Doctor Spider

Petra said...

Ha, ha...I can asure U that we are taking a great care of our spiders!Big hug right back atcha!:)